Additional fees may be payable for complex cases or to reflect value, specialist skills or urgency, our scale of fees for such cases range from a minimum of €50 per hour to a maximum of €200 per hour. We will notify you in advance and agree the scale of fees to be charged
Pension Fees
You may elect to deal with us on a fee basis.
Sample fee structure
Principles / Directors €100 – €200 per hour
Senior Advisers €100 – €200 per hour
Associates €75 – €100 per hour
Support staff €40 – €75 per hour.
Additional fees may be payable for complex cases or to reflect value, specialist skills or urgency, our scale of fees for such cases range from a minimum of €50 per hour to a maximum of €200 per hour. We will notify you in advance and agree the scale of fees to be charged
Personal Retirement Savings Accounts (PRSAs) – Fees
Where advice is requested for PRSAs, the following hourly fees will apply:
Advisor fees: €50 – €100 per hour.
Support staff: €40 – €50 per hour.
Additional fees may be payable for complex cases or to reflect value, specialist skills or urgency. We will give an estimate of this rate in advance of providing you with services. If we receive commission from a product provider, this will be offset against the fee which we will charge you. Where the commission is greater than the fee due, the commission will become the amount payable to the intermediary unless an arrangement to the contrary is made.